DNA Gender Test
Find out at just 6 weeks if you’re having a boy or a girl with a Peekaboo Gender DNA Test!
DNA Gender 6 Weeks+

Next Day Results!
Find Out Your Baby’s Gender at 6 Weeks
- Peekaboo Pro Clinical DNA Test
- Next Day Results by 7PM
- Over 99.5% Accuracy – The Most Accurate DNA Test Available
- Money-Back Guarantee
Check Eligibility
What To Expect
Peekaboo Pro is an early detection Gender DNA test offered to women as early as 6 weeks pregnant.
Come in for a quick blood draw and get your results by 7pm the next day!
DNA gender determination is over 99.5% accurate at 6 weeks – the highest accuracy available.
It’s safe, quick & accurate.
That’s why Peekaboo Pro is the ONLY Early Gender Reveal DNA Test endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association.
Step 1
Book Your DNA Gender Test
Schedule your DNA Gender Blood Test with 3D Baby Boutique. Book online now or call us at (248) 965-9557.
Step 2
Complete Consent Form
After booking, complete a DNA Gender Test consent form & indicate which email you want your results sent to.
Step 3
Quick Blood Collection Sample
At your appointment, we’ll collect a small sample of your blood and send it to the lab with overnight shipping.
Step 4
Get Your Results The Next Day!
Fastest turnaround time in the industry! Results emailed to you, or whomever you choose, by 7pm the next day.
Money-Back Guarantee
Peekaboo knows how important this test is to you and promises to provide the earliest, fastest, and most accurate gender DNA-test result on the market. They are so confident in the accuracy of their DNA Gender test that they offer a 100% money-back guarantee if the gender of your newborn doesn’t match your result.How The DNA Gender Test Works
An on-site phlebotomist or medical assistant will draw a small blood sample. The sample is then overnighted to Peekaboo’s lab, DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC), for processing. Your appointment will only take about 15 minutes. Results will be emailed to you, or to whomever you choose, by 7pm the next day! DDC lab offers the most advanced DNA-extraction technology available, which extracts two times more fetal DNA from the mother’s bloodstream than other tests. This method allows Peekaboo to determine the baby’s gender even in samples with low levels of fetal DNA.Peekaboo Pro vs. At-Home Tests
Peekaboo Pro doesn’t have the risk of contamination like the at home tests do. The blood sample is never exposed to outside elements like the finger prick method. This blood test sample is obtained by a trained professional in a sterile clinical setting.Peekaboo Pro Test Results With Twins
If you’re having twins and the presence of male DNA is detected, then we can confirm that at least one of the babies is a boy. If male DNA is not detected, then we can confirm that you’re only having girls. The DNA Gender Test cannot determine the gender of each baby.What Can Affect Test Results Accuracy?
• If you are not at least 6 weeks + 0 days pregnant at the time of your blood test, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
• The loss of a twin or vanishing twin can affect the results of the test if that fetus was a male and the surviving fetus is a female.
• If you’ve had a recent miscarriage within the 3 months prior to taking this test.
• If you’ve had an organ donated by a male donor.